Time is a funny thing - sometimes it flies and sometimes it ticks slowly by. It is hard to believe we have been in Zambia just over 1 week. Most of us agree it feels so much longer than that!
On Sunday we drove in to town, and went to a church in Ndola. Typically the children that live at Living Hope have church on site, but once a month they go to a church in town. This past Sunday was the day they were scheduled to go into town, so we joined them. The pastor on site here, Pastor Ngoie, was a guest pastor for the Sunday. Believe it or not, he preached on the exact same text as our pastor at Pathway church preached on on our last Sunday in Canada!! We thought it was so cool how the two tied together!
We are starting to find our groove here. Homeschooling is going alright. We are so thankful that we have an amazing & understanding support teacher back in Canada to help us along via email. Most days there are some tears, but we're finding our feet more and more each day. My favorite will always be reading out loud to the kids, and discussing the books! The other afternoon we did p.e. at a pool at a local hotel. Can't beat that!

The head teacher for Living Hope Christian Academy, Gift, gave us a tour of the school here. It is pretty amazing to see such passion & energy within the leadership of the school! LHCA has kindergarten, grade 1 & grade 2, and for many of these children it is the first generation of their family to be getting an education! There are 12 villages surrounding Living Hope, and it is from there that the kids walk to school. Priority for enrollment is given to double and single orphans, and then the vulnerable. It is not easy to narrow down just 25 children per class because the need is high!

I love how bright and cheerful the teachers keep their classrooms!

We came back to the school when they were on recess, and it was so cute to see our kids playing tag & making sandcastles with the students!

Every Tuesday the teachers walk to one of the 12 villages and meets with the parents to discuss how things are going with their child. Jon & I hope to go with on this visit this coming Tuesday. It will be interesting to get a better picture for where the students are coming from & what daily life looks like for them!
I think that about covers this update. In the future I hope to do a "Frequently Asked Questions" post to cover some of the questions we've been asked. Feel free to message with anything you might be curious about! Thank you for your prayers & messages!
