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Settling In - Our First Week

Writer's picture: jrdeleeuwjrdeleeuw

Hi everyone! It was so nice to receive messages from many of you back at home in Canada! We may not have responded to each individually, but know that they were so appreciated! The love and support we have felt here has been awesome!

I'll dive right in to our first week here. It's actually hard to believe we are only on day 10 of living in Zambia! This past week was great to settle in more, familiarize ourselves with the layout here, and get to know and spend time with the Grace kids. Part of me feels like I will never get the names straight around here (the worst is when a child comes up and asks, "Do you remember what my name is?" and I forget for the 4th time! Or when they say, my name is _____ but you can just call me ____ . There's lots of that!), but I know this will all come in due time!

The kids found the pile of sand on the farm, and were entertained for ages!

None of us can resist the cuteness of the baby goats :)

We are able to eat the cafeteria lunch, if we so desire, and it has been quite fun and interesting trying different foods! Most of it is quite delicious, like nshima (which is a corn meal dish) with cooked green vegetables. We were encouraged to at least try these little fish (I can't remember what they're called), and we all took a nibble. None of us went in for a second nibble ;)

The guys did a test-run on the chicken processing plant with 10 chickens! This was very exciting to watch! It all ran seamlessly, and is going to be so wonderful to use it regularly to supply the orphanage with chicken!

A highlight for us has been the huge water fight last week Friday! Shannon has a huge stash of water guns, and she kindly distributed them to all the kids that wanted to be a part of it. There were filling stations around the dorms, and as soon as you entered the water fight, you had a 0% chance of remaining even remotely dry!! Such a fun and refreshing way to spend the afternoon!

We also watched the older boys play an intense game of soccer. Their skills are so impressive...and many of them played barefoot!

We're in "burn season" in Zambia right now. Things have dried up after the wet season, and to remedy this, people take a match and light it up! The land owner might light his own field, or a passerby might decide things are needing a burn, and light up another person's field! It's so crazy to witness! The trees somehow remain, and the flames don't seem to reach the houses. The field next to Grace was ablaze yesterday! Plumes of dark smoke, and loud crackling lured us over to watch. It certainly made us think of back home, where the forest fires are burning so intensely, and threatening the towns and homes of so many BC residents. Our prayers are with all those affected by this!

Dave kindly captured us after church for our first family picture since arriving! Thanks for all of you following along with us. Ivy wrote a letter to one of her friends in Canada today, and her ending is fitting for the end of this blog post. It read, "I like Africa. You should come." :)

Till next time!

Love Jon and Renae



Aug 17, 2021

it sounds like you already have had so many adventures….amazing! Praying that you and John and the kids receive all the strength and energy you need as you adjust to life in Africa!!

Aug 19, 2021
Replying to

We truly feel like we've learned SO much in the short amount of time we've been here! So eye opening, challenging, and wonderful - all rolled in to one!

Thanks, Mel!


Arthur de Leeuw
Arthur de Leeuw
Aug 17, 2021

Glad to hear you are settling in well. It is good to see the kids having fun. May the Lord continue to equip you all.

Aug 19, 2021
Replying to

It is very special to see the kids making new friends and having fun! Thank you!!


Aug 17, 2021

Beautiful family and praying you continue to settle well, and be blessed and a blessing :)

Aug 19, 2021
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Thank you for your comment, Definitely feel blessed by the many special people we've met here! Thank you for your prayers, as well!


Susan Smith Chalkias
Susan Smith Chalkias
Aug 16, 2021

I sure love this family and praying your time in Africa gives you a lifetime of wonderful memories!!

Aug 19, 2021
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Oh Susan... we're only 2 weeks in and I already feel like I have a lifetime of memories :) I can only imagine what a full year will bring! It is truly amazing to witness the work that goes on at Seeds of Hope, and to see such wonderful opportunities for these kids!

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